Welcome to Becoming an Empowered Parent – Day 12
with Rachel Rothman, MS, RD, CLEC & Jen Varela
Rachel Rothman, MS, RD, CLEC

Rachel Rothman, MS, RD, CLEC
Rachel is a pediatric dietitian and feeding expert specializing in working with children and families. She helps parents and caregivers feel less stressed and more empowered when it comes to feeding their children. Rachel owns a private nutrition practice, Nutrition in Bloom, where she works with children and families to provide feeding guidance and evidence-based nutrition recommendations. Rachel teaches infant and toddler feeding classes throughout San Diego County and online.
To learn more: https://nutritioninbloom.com
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/nutritioninbloom
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/nutrition.in.bloom/
Free Guide: 4 Steps to Help your Child Try New Foods
Jen Varela

Jen Varela
Over the course of the last decade, sleep coaching expert Jen Varela has helped more than 4,000 families find the sweet sleep they’ve been deprived of and desperately needed. These families have benefited from her expertise at workshops and on phone consultations — and more than 700 of them in the U.S. and around the world have achieved their sleep goals through private one-on-one coaching with Jen via her company, Sugar Night Night.
Jen has also co-authored a book with Andrea Strang titled “Loved to Sleep,” which is available as an ebook on Amazon. She is a member of the International Association of Child Sleep Consultants and a Certified Gentle Sleep Coach® trained by Kim West, The Sleep Lady®; she also trained with the Infant Mental Health Community Training Program–Hospital for Sick Kids. In addition to her work as a sleep coach, Jen serves as the California chapter liaison for Postpartum Support International (PSI), which helps families dealing with perinatal mood and health disorders (PMADs) and is a past President of Postpartum Health Alliance. Jen is a mother of two and holds a bachelor’s degree in Human Services with an emphasis in Counseling from California State University, Fullerton.
To learn more: SugarNightNight.com
To learn more: “Loved to Sleep”
Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/SugarNightNight
Instagram: @SugarNightNight
Linkin: www.linkedin.com/in/jenvarela/